The recipe database is a free resource for delicious, nutritious, and affordable recipes. These recipes are designed specifically for our partner agencies and intentionally use common food bank ingredients. All of our recipes are available in English and Spanish, and we are always working on adding new recipes and languages to meet the needs of our community.
Our recipes are available in PDF format to easily print and distribute to clients and neighbors. For visual instruction, we have also created video tutorials for some of our most popular recipes: CAFB YouTube channel.
If you are a CAFB partner and would like physical copies, please reach out to us!
Questions? Reach out to us at or (202) 735-3053.
CAFB Recipe Finder
To find new delicious, nutritious recipes, you can use the filtering tools below to sort by meal type, ingredients, dietary concerns, language, and other criteria. Clicking the boxes in the right-hand column will filter recipes to match the desired specifications.