Nancy E. Roman, Author at Capital Area Food Bank - Page 3 of 4
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Rise in Prescription Drug Use Linked to Obesity

According to this morning’s Washington Post, nearly 3 in 5 American adults take a prescription drug. Alarmingly, they suggest that obesity is driving the need for these drugs, primarily hypertension, heart failure, diabetes and “other elements of the “cardiometabolic syndrome.” Read More

The Good Food Every Child Needs

Lack of adequate healthy food can impair a child's ability to concentrate and perform well in school and is linked to higher levels of behavioral and emotional problems from preschool through adolescence. Read More

Waste No More…

At the Capital Area Food Bank, reducing food waste is part of our operational model and our organizational DNA. Read More

Hunger Summit Blog Carnival

Our blog carnival addressing food waste is a great way to open the discussion. Our summit in Northern Virginia on September 27 boasts wonderful panelists -- read their blogs and share your thoughts. Read More