Food Waste Archives - Capital Area Food Bank
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  • April 5, 2019

    Inside Look: How Fighting Hunger Also Helps the Planet

    In a land of abundant food, there is also abundant waste. In fact, 40% of the food produced in the United States goes uneaten. To be a part of the solution to this problem, the food bank has made reducing food waste a core tenant; it’s part of our organizational DNA. Here are a few ways the food bank works to reduce food waste and help more people get access to the nutritious food they need.

  • January 17, 2018

    Recipe of the Month: Leftovers

    Turn leftover sweet potatoes and black beans into tortilla soup or a delicious breakfast hash. Leftover avocado adds loads of flavor to a simple salsa. And chili powder can add a kick to almost any meal. Reduce food waste and save money with quick and easy to make meals using leftovers.

  • October 28, 2016

    Food Makes the Difference

    As a mother of six who was committed to homeschooling her children, Esther Jordan struggled to purchase nutritious ingredients to cook for her family. Even so, she was committed to providing her family with nutritious meals.

  • April 21, 2016

    Production-based incentives make it hard to get nutrition and food waste outcomes we want

    After a day of listening to many of the country’s top influencers on topics ranging from protein in the diet to food waste to nutrition, a few of the dots began to connect: while some of our country’s food policies once served us quite well, they don’t anymore.

  • July 13, 2015

    Waste No More…

    At the Capital Area Food Bank, reducing food waste is part of our operational model and our organizational DNA.

  • September 24, 2013

    Next Step for Reducing Food Waste

    Cooperation and collaboration along the value chain can reduce food waste. Here's how.