Capital Area Food Bank Issues Request for Proposals for Kids’ Cafe Meal Vendors in DC - Capital Area Food Bank
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Capital Area Food Bank Issues Request for Proposals for Kids’ Cafe Meal Vendors in DC

By cafb June 12, 2023

Notice of Request for Proposals 

The Capital Area Food Bank invites FSMCs to submit sealed bids to provide food services for site(s) that participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program in the District of Columbia. Specifications and proposals may be obtained at beginning on 6/12/23 from 9 AM until 6/29/23 at 5 PM. 

Sealed bids presented in duplicate will be received by The Capital Area Food Bank at or 4900 Puerto Rico Avenue NE, Washington DC 20017 until 5 PM on 6/29/23 for the contract period 8/28/23 to 8/25/24 of contract inclusive.

Sealed bids from those bidders meeting qualifications criteria will be opened on 6/30/23 with the award to be made on or before 7/21/23. The agency reserves the right to check all outside references. 

The Capital Area Food Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in bids received. All awards are made pending DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education review for USDA regulatory compliance. 

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.