Blog - Page 13 of 119 - Capital Area Food Bank
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  • May 8, 2021

    7 Ways to Use Celery

  • May 5, 2021

    Leaving A Legacy of Caring: Why the Luxes are Making A Planned Gift

    Planned giving is visionary thinking. It means that, as a donor, you can help the food bank meet future needs that may not occur during your lifetime. A planned gift can also save money spent on taxes, increase your spendable income, preserve your assets, allow you to continue to use your assets during your lifetime. Two of the food bank's visionary donors, Jayne and Warren Lux, recently shared why they planned for the future with the food bank in mind.

  • April 10, 2021

    Volunteer Spotlight: Q & A with Jan Augustine

    Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of amazing and dedicated individuals have stepped up selflessly to ensure that their neighbors don’t go hungry amidst rising rates of unemployment and food insecurity. We spoke with Jan Augustine, a long-time CAFB donor who recently began to volunteer with us, to learn what motivates her to lend a helping hand for her neighbors in need.

  • April 8, 2021

    “We knew we needed to keep the pantry open”: CCF’s Pandemic Story

    Twice weekly, the Capital Christian Fellowship (CCF) opens its doors to feed their Maryland community. In addition to the variety of services the church provides, the CCF partners with the food bank to stock their in-house food pantry with fresh produce and staple ingredients. The food bank spoke to Executive Pastor Akeia Rossiter about how the Fellowship adapted to the challenges of the pandemic, kept its doors open, and served more families than ever before.

  • March 25, 2021

    Views from the Curb: Introducing Curbside Groceries

    For many residents of DC’s Ward 8, limited stores and numerous transportation hurdles make healthy and affordable groceries hard to access. Our Curbside Groceries truck has set out to help change that by providing a full market basket of goods year-round on a store that’s mobile. DeJuan Mason, manager of the food bank’s new Curbside Groceries initiative and a 5-year resident of Ward 8, recently took time to share details about how she and her team are bringing new grocery options to her community, and what she loves about the job.