Blog - Page 20 of 117 - Capital Area Food Bank
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  • April 6, 2019

    Ground Turkey Stir Fry

  • April 5, 2019

    Inside Look: How Fighting Hunger Also Helps the Planet

    In a land of abundant food, there is also abundant waste. In fact, 40% of the food produced in the United States goes uneaten. To be a part of the solution to this problem, the food bank has made reducing food waste a core tenant; it’s part of our organizational DNA. Here are a few ways the food bank works to reduce food waste and help more people get access to the nutritious food they need.

  • April 5, 2019

    Why You Should Build Your Own Urban Container Garden

    Spring is here, and with it comes the food growing season here in our area. One of the ways we grow plants at the food bank is through urban garden plots. These plots are great tools for growing veggies in a city environment, and are another way to provide food for the community!

  • April 2, 2019

    Peach Crumble

  • April 1, 2019

    Egg Drop Soup

  • March 27, 2019

    Ethiopian Collard Greens

  • March 26, 2019

    Recipe of the Month: Carrot Cake Pancakes

    It’s National Nutrition Month and we honor the culinary imagination it takes to make food go further with what’s on hand. This month, we’re featuring our Carrot Cake Pancakes an example of a way to reduce food waste and provide a fun, nutritious meal.

  • March 22, 2019

    Recipes for (Nutrition) Success

    Providing healthy food to those who need it is an essential part of the food bank’s work, but it’s not the whole story. Pairing that food with education is also important so that people have the ingredients and knowledge to make nutritious, budget-friendly meals. Creating and distributing those recipes, each of which feeds a family of four for $7 or less, is where the food bank’s Nutrition Education team comes in.